On April 4, 2023 local time, the trial run of train on the Bhanga-Mawa Section of Padma Bridge Rail Link Project (PBRLP) in Bangladesh was conducted. The Bangladesh Railway Minister Mr. Md. Nurul Islam Sujan presented at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the trial run at Bhanga Station.

The PBRLP project starts from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, and extends to Jessore towards the southwest through Padma Bridge. With a total length of 170 kilometers and the design speed of 120 kilometers per hour, it is a bridge for both passenger and cargo transportation. The project is composed of three sections, Dhaka-Mawa Section, Mawa-Bhanga Section and Bhanga-Jessore Section. Currently, nearly 80% of the project has been completed. China Railway Shanhaiguan Bridge Group Co., Ltd. under CRHIC supplies all the turnouts along the line and have developed mixed gauge turnouts to adapt to the feature of multiple turnouts and diverse gauges in railway lines of Bangladesh. China Railway Baoji Bridge Group Co., Ltd. Has developed and supplied beam end compensator and other products. China Railway Jiujiang Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. is responsible for the manufacturing, site welding and coating of 56,000 tons of steel girders to be applied in the ten steel truss bridges and 50 steel plate girder bridges. China Railway Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (CRHM) is the supplier of the first track layer in Bangladesh and other products.