Gaoligong Mountain Tunnel on Dali-Ruili Railway started slagging
On February 1, 2018, "Caiyun", the hard rock TBM with the largest diameter developed in China, formally started the excavation at Gaoligong Mountain Tunnel on Dali-Ruili Railway. "Caiyun" was developed by China Railway Engineering Equipment Group, a sub company of CRHIC, and China Railway Tunnel Group. Not long ago, it was selected "2017 Top Ten Important Machines Attracting the Most Attentions of Cyber Friends" with the aircraft carrier, C919 airliner, and other machines. The excavation diameter of Its cutter head is 9.03m. It filled the blank of large diameter hard rock TBM with diameter more than 9m in China, and re-wrote the history that mechanical engineering of large, long railway tunnel project had been controlled by others. Its first operation will provide the most powerful support for constructing the longest railway tunnels China and the longest railway tunnel in the mountains in Asia.
On January 31, 2018, mainstream media like people.com.cn, gmw.cn and Chinenews.com, gateway websites like sohu.com, sina.com.cn and 163.com, and new media platforms like toutiao.com put their attentions to Yunnan, and reported "Caiyun" in the title of "Challenge the Most Difficult Railway Tunnel." More than 30 media reproduced the news, causing strong reaction in the country.