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CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

Time: 2020-02-21
Times of browsing: 28

      In order to carry out the principles of CREC’s video conference on work and production resumption in a timely manner, CRHIC recently has redeployed, rearranged and re-implemented the work and production resumption. As of February 19, 2020, projects in Germany, Denmark, Bangladesh, Singapore and other overseas countries have been under normal production and operation.


CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (Germany) has promoted a further communication with its clients via visits, meetings and other ways. By means of actively sharing experience and discussing schemes around key and difficulty issues available in European projects, the work team has achieved an in-depth outcome and pushed for the businesses such as bidding in an orderly manner.


CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

       CREC-745 and CREC-746 earth pressure balance TBMs manufactured by China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd. have been applied to a subway project in Copenhagen- CITYRINGEN - Branch off to Sydhavnen CRSH1. Since the Spring Festival, the technical service team has held fast to their posts for a smooth advancement of work. CREC-745 started work on January 13 with a maximum daily advancement of 42m, totaling 690m at present; CREC-746 started work on February 3 with a maximum daily advancement of 25.2m, totaling 154m at present.  


CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

Upon request by the Government of Bangladesh, the Chinese Embassy and CREC, Padma Bridge Project Department at China Railway Shanhaiguan Bridge Group Co., Ltd. has established the steering group for outbreak prevention and control to deploy the outbreak prevention and control work, strictly manage, properly implement and specially subdivide relevant work, and spare no effort to speed up the construction of Padma Bridge by organizing on-site steel girder assembly and guaranteeing steel girder erection. Till now, steel girder has erected 30 holes and painted 27 holes, making it well ready for completing the assembly and erection of the whole 41-hole steel girder within this year.

CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

The Padma Bridge Project Department staff at China Railway Jiujiang Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. have held fast to their posts since the Spring Festival, to accomplish the manufacturing of the 400KV pylon pile for Padma Bridge.


CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

After the Spring Festival, the Singapore Government has issued an orange alert against the presence of a few imported COVID-19 cases. After-sales technical service personnel at China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (Singapore) has taken and reported body temperature on a daily basis, reduced unnecessary outdoor activities paid attention to personal hygiene and taken proper personal protection to convoy the normal operation of TBM all day long.

Now the TBM CREC-658 applied to the C885 Project in Singapore is under good condition and high perfectness ratio. Despite a tough geological condition, it has set a record of 10 rings per day along the line, winning itself a high affirmation and trust from the Client and LTA.

       TBM CREC-647/648 applied to the C882 Project in Singapore has to undercrosss Port PSA. In order to ensure a stable operation of the Project, the TBM has kept an average daily advancement of 8 rings and the site service team has maintained the perfection ratio high. LTA and Nishimatsu Construction, the Client have highly affirmed our work. 

CRHIC Speeds up its Overseas Projects

In the C715 Project in Singapore, TBM CREC-691 has completed 490 rings already to reach the reinforcement area, and it is now under pressure-maintaining status and will no longer work upon completing the receiving well. TBM CREC-692 has completed 37 rings at a daily driving rate of 5 rings, with 472 rings left.

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