SKAB:SEK 161.1 -1.2%
Corporate Governance Case

Board of supervisors

Time: 2018-01-17
Times of browsing: 248

    Mr. Fan Jinghua, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited; Nationality: P.R. China; no permanent residency abroad; Education: Ph. D; currently a Full-time Director Supervisor appointed by China Railway Group Limited to subsidiary company. January 2006 to June 2011: Supervisor of China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd.; June 2011 to November 2013: Deputy Chief Accountant, Supervisor and Head of the Audit Department, China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd.; July 2013 to November 2013: concurrently as the Deputy Head of the Audit Department, China Railway Group Limited; November 2013 to January 2020: Head of the Audit Department, China Railway Group Limited; June 2014 to January 2020, concurrently as Employee Representative Supervisor of China Railway Group Limited; January 2020 to January 2021, Employee Representative Supervisor and Full-time Director Supervisor of China Railway Group Limited; Full-time Director Supervisor of China Railway Group Limited since January 2021; Supervisor and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited since June 2023.

    Mr. Ma Jinchao, Supervisor of China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited; Nationality: P.R. China; no permanent residency abroad; Education: Master's degree. Currently the Deputy General Manager of Zhongyuan Equity Investment Management Co.,Ltd. and General Manager of Henan Zhongyuan Guquan Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd.; Supervisor of China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited since March 2023.

    Ms Chen Huiyu, Employee Supervisor and Vice Chairman of the Trade Union, China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited; Nationality: P.R. China; no right of residence abroad; Education: Bachelor’s degree; Senior Engineer. Employed in 2006, successively as Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Head of the Party and Mass Department, Head of Strategic Planning Department, Head of HR Department, Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee; Deputy Head of Rights Protection Women Workers Unit of Trade Union and Head of the General Department of the Labor Union, China Railway No.3 Engineering Group Co., Ltd.; Vice Chairman of the Trade Union, Head of the Women's Work Committee, and Head of the Rights Protection Women Workers Unit, China Railway No.3 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. Employee Supervisor and Vice Chairman of the Labor Union, China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited since April 2023.

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