The opening ceremony of the 2024 World Tunnel Congress, jointly hosted by International Tunneling and Underground Space Association and China Civil Engineering Society, was held at Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center on April 22, 2024. Over 3,000 experts, scholars, and business representatives from member countries of the International Tunneling and Underground Space Association convened in Shenzhen to deliberate on the advancement and collaboration in tunnel technology. China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd. under CRHIC was among the exhibitors.

The world’s largest diameter hard rock TBM “Caucasus”

The world’s first green TBM

DJ3E intelligent three-arm drilling jumbo and MT1G anchor-grouting integrated jumbo applicable to plateau working conditions

CTR300S cantilever-type roadheader

CTR450 cantilever-type roadheader

Shaft boring roadheader

Integrated solution for underground space development

The first low-profile rapid excavation and anchoring equipment set for semi-coal and rock formations in China

Large-gradient horizontal transportation marshalling train

Digital twin application system